Background to Inhumanity
To keep matters in perspective, I also remind myself of the following facts:
1. Their recent murder of political opponents in bin al sarayat, and Alexandria.
2. Their torture tents in Rabyee and al-nahda
3. Their waging of a guerilla warfare against the Egyptian army in Sinai
4. Their hate speech in their rallies, where they label their opponents as infidels worthy of brutal death
5. Their supplications to “God” that there fellow Egyptians of a different political persuasion face horrific devine punishment
6. Their local speech the stokes sectarianism, and their international propaganda where they color themselves as defenders of democratic values
7. Their incessant exploitation of religious sentiments to drive divisions in Egyptian society, and more recently the army.
8. Their gleefulness and inhumanity to the atrocities that anti-SCAF protesters were facing during the transition period.
9. Their tireless attempts at bringing about laws that would criminalize protests while they were in power
10. Their complete reluctance to reform the Police, as long as it did a good job of stifling their political opponents
11. Their appointment of their own very private “general prosecutor” for the purposes of applying selective “justice”
12. Their incredibly long list of lies, broken promises, and doublespeak
13. Their attack on peaceful protestors last November and the flexing of muscles by their militias…with full impunity.
The above is not written to justify any inhumanity towards the MB or Islamists in general, but to understand the root causes of such inhumanity. Such understanding is crucial if we are to move forward with creating a society that is free from animosity and vitriolic hatred.
I hope that one day I will live in a country where the rule of a law is applied with full impartiality, and where laws are put in place to protect the rights and freedoms of the citizenry, not some select elite. Be it military, religious, or otherwise.